Shining glitter bottle (with switch)
Mini Maker | 28. June 2018
3-6 Jahre
Project description
During our project “How electricity flows” we are currently dealing with the question of what is electricity and what can I do with it.
Required material
- 1x 9V block battery li>
- 1x switch li>
- 1x bulb li>
- Wire li>
- Plastic bottle (split in half) li>
- Glitter li>
- tape li>
Project implementation
First build a circuit with a 9V block battery, wire, a switch and a light bulb. Then insert the elements in the 2nd bottle half (with bottom). Fill the empty bottle half with glitter. Fix a light bulb in the bottle cap of the empty bottle. Now put both bottles together (the bottleneck is inside) and connect with adhesive tape. Warning : Before installing the components in the bottle, check the circuit for proper function.Reflection
- Construction of a circuit with switch and light bulb li>
- new applications li> ul>
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