Those who want to shape the future must concern themselves with it.
This is why we offer the “Mini Makers” practical further training in order to enable pedagogical staff in kindergartens and preschools to independently provide sophisticated pedagogical services and educational projects relating to “digital media competence”.
With close interconnection between theory and practice, the participants gain the necessary skills to successfully plan and implement learning opportunities, along with didactic tips and background knowledge about how children play and learn in the digitalized world.

Practical training course for educational staff
The “Mini Makers” practical training courses are aimed at educational staff who work with children aged 3–8 and are interested in using digital media and technology in early childhood education.
The “Mini Makers” practical training courses had been developed within the scope of a European project that is financed with European Union funds and supported by the Berlin Senate Administration for Education, Science and Research and the Paritätische Wohlfahrtsverband of the Berlin Regional Association.
Objectives of the training course
The “Mini Makers” qualification enables you to provide pedagogically established services in the fields of electricity, technology, robotics, language development, natural sciences or art using digital tools. You will meet all requirements for educational staff that are stipulated in the technology and media pedagogy curricula. You will acquire a basic understanding of media-pedagogic approaches and contribute to advancing the educational tasks of kindergartens.
Thematic focus
- Use of digital media and technology in early childhood education
- Pedagogic expertise in using of digital media and technology in early childhood education
- Maker activities
- Art and digital media
- Digital support for observation, documentation, and communication with parents
- Democracy and digital media in the sociocultural context of our society
- Inputs
- Self-study
- Practical group work
- Creative workshops
- Group supervision
- Mentor discussions
- Individual and group feedback
- Presentations
- Practical phases in kindergartens
The “Mini Makers” practical training course are offered as one-part and multi-part modules that correspond to the three learning fields for digital media competence. In these modules, brief input phases alternate with practical training periods and individual work in the participants’ own kindergarten or a training institution, while the multipliers provide reflective support.
For specific topics and offers, please contact us by e-mail institut@klax-online.de or by phone 0049 30 / 477 96 – 0.
The practical training courses for educational staff includes 8h per module.
The “Mini Makers” practical training courses are available to all interested professionals who have a pedagogic qualification and at least two years of work experience.
Participants who successfully complete the practical training course receive a certificate.
Further material
- Media skills in nursery further training for pedagogical expertsDownload (2,5 MB)
Advanced training to become a mini maker trainer
You are an educational professional, have practical experience and would like to inspire others to work with digital media? Become a Mini Maker Trainer and enable educational professionals to carry out well-founded activities in the areas of electricity, technology, robotics, science and art with the help of digital tools.

Prices and Dates
For further information, please contact insitut@klax-online.de.

Info and Registration
For further information, please contact institut@klax-online.de

Mini-Maker: Digitale Medienkompetenz im Kindergarten
Klax Gründerin Antje Bostelmann über den Einsatz digitaler Medien im Kindergarten.
Antje Bostelmann, the founder of Klax, about the usage of digital media in kindergartens.
Antje Bostelmann: Was müssen wir Kindern heute beibringen?
Lars Geer Hammershøj über Spiel, Kreativität und Bildung im digitalen Zeitalter
Klaus Thestrup: How children and pre-school teachers can communicate with the world outside the kindergarten using digital media?
Klaus Thestrup: How can pre-school teachers use images and video in an ethical way?
Maker-Cup: „Insektenroboter“
Maker-Cup: „Insektenroboter“
Maker-Cup: „Zeichen-Roboter“
Maker-Cup: „Drawing Robot“
Maker-Cup: „Unterwassertaschenlampe“
Maker-Cup: „Under water torch“
Maker-Cup: „Leuchtendes Armband“
Maker-Cup: „Glowing bracelet“
Klaus Thestrup: How can children and pre-school teachers together play and experiment with green screen?
Puppet Pals: Ein Experiment
Puppet Pals: An experiment
Puppet Pals: Ein Gedicht
Puppet Pals: A poem
- Basics for education and training of pedagogical professionals in the digital ageDownload (6 MB)