Build your own computer and explore its functions
Mini Maker | 7. October 2019
8-9 Jahre
Project description
On the basis of the book “Hello Ruby – The Journey into the Interior of the Computer”, the children explore the digital world of computers and make their own computer out of cardboard.
Required material
- Book "Hello Ruby - The journey inside the computer"
- Pens (different colours)
- adhesive tape
- scissors
- Tablets or computers with access to the Internet (for research)
- paperboard
- hot glue gun
- adhesive clay
- Paper and Colour
Project implementation
The children can- come together in groups and research the Internet together
- Create sketches of the parts of a computer and explain what they imagine to be the parts
- develop ideas together on how to build and assemble the individual components
- use the book "Hello Ruby - The Journey into the Interior of the Computer" as a guide and inspiration
In this project the children learn- know the functionality and components of a computer
- know the difference between hardware and software
- researching together in groups and developing ideas
- to implement and design their own ideas creatively
- know the story "Hello Ruby - The Journey into the Interior of the Computer" and the connections to their own computer
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